All posts tagged: Vaivaisukko

Vaivaisukko – Our entry to the Guggenheim Helsinki competition

Here is our entry to the Guggenheim Helsinki Design Competition. We propose a Vaivaisukko, a money collecting statue, to be built on the competition site. The idea is to collect the funds needed for a new museum entirely from individual supporters and to make the process enjoyable. The name Vaivaisukko comes from a historical tradition where a wooden poor man statue, vaivaisukko in Finnish, was placed outside a church to collect money for the poor. Our Vaivaisukko combines the historical money collector and the modern day crowd funding into an artwork of its own. In our scheme, a new Vaivaisukko will be built periodically. There will be an international competition every year to select the new project to be built. Artists and designers around the world can submit their designs for the Vaivaisukko. In the first year, the budget for the competition will come from a Vaivaisukko Kickstarter project. Later […]