All posts tagged: Helsinki Central Library

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“Käännös” won the Helsinki Central Library Competition

The results of the Helsinki Central Library Competition were announced today: The winner is entry “Käännös” by ALA Architects. This elegantly beautiful entry was also our favorite, we’re very glad it won! The construction is set to start in 2015 and the library should be ready in 2017, just in time to celebrate 100 years of independent Finland. The library has been selected to be a 100th anniversary jubilee project so the Finnish state will provide significant funding for it. All images courtesy of Helsinki Central Library


Library bikes hit the streets of Helsinki

Helsinki Central Library hits the streets with six library bikes. The bikes will ride the streets of Helsinki on 13–14 of June from 10 am to 6 pm. Brilliant! “The library belongs where all people are, on the streets and in the alleys, wherever people get together, run their errands and live their lives. The Central Library is taking the skills, information and stories of a library to the people with the help of six bikes, and is inviting them to discover the new and exciting possibilities of doing things together.” – On the 14th of June the winner of the Helsinki Central Library architectural competition will be announced. Stay tuned! All images courtesy of Jonas Tana/ Helsinki City Library